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Mis-Translations, 2022, digital images from 3D renderings of equations

My contribution for the publication Across and Beyond - Body and Landscape in Translation by Lina Aastrup, Paulina Granat and Isabelle Ribe

Mis-Translations is an attempt to see translation through the lens of mathematics. Is translation a kind of transformation? Is translation only about language, or can shape and body, too, be translated? Can translation itself be given a body? What is leaked and what is added, as the concept of translation itself gets translated into mathematics? Much of mathematics itself is a mis-translation. For example, the important concept of a “fiber bundle” in mathematics captures the idea of a surface covered in hair, like a fur or a rug: a leaking translation from the world of textiles and biology. In the end, it is perhaps the mistranslations that carry the greatest power?

During the release party, I read a text and played a sonification of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. You can listen to it here:

You can download a digital copy of the book here.

You can find information about the book and the release party here.